Who Asked YesJulz for Her Dumb Ass Opinion?
You know, sometimes when folks want to be a part of something so bad, they will say or do anything. They will take clout chasing to a different level and just wrongly insert themselves into conversations or spaces where they clearly don't belong. Being a duck out of water doesn't bother them, even if the lack of water exposes their stringy hair, bland personality, and surgical enhancements. They will literally do anything to be seen as that "exceptional" girl who's down with the black folks. Even if it didn't work for Miley Cyrus, they're still going to try because they see themselves as the exception and not the rule. "Pick me, pick me" syndrome causes desperation and insecurity to drip from their pores like weaponized white tears falling from remorseless eyes, and in reality, their antics are nothing more than cover up for self-esteem issues being compounded by an identity crisis. You know what I'm talking about? Then, I'm sure you know YesJulz.
This is a YesJulz in her natural habitat. Photo credit: Hollywoodlife.com
First, let me say I really hate that I have to dedicate any time to anything that this woman has to say, but as an ATLien, I cannot allow this shit to stand. If you don't know who YesJulz is, the best way to describe her is an unseasoned vanilla swizzle stick whose claim to fame is hanging out with black guys, saying that black girls hate on her, and in her opinion, "cultivating the vibes". I'm sure you've seen her being dragged in the twitter streets for her baseless accusations against black women such as Karen Civil and Scottie Beam. Or, you may have seen her start a twitter poll about whether or not she should wear a shirt that says, "Niggas lie a lot." Yeah, I know. What a resume. Anyway, she recently logged into her twitter account seeking some attention and said, "EarthGang is like the Outkast of this generation only with two Andres..." Sigh.
I honestly don't know why YesJulzOnlyDatesBlackGuys felt compelled to open her thin lips and offer this opinion, but it's a perfect example of not knowing your role and not staying in your damn lane. She should have just texted her dumb ass thoughts to Daniel Caesar,who is maybe one of the very few people on the planet that can actually stand her. Instead, she gave us Exhibit L as to why she's nothing more but a leech to a culture that doesn't really want her. If we're being honest, she's like that gnat at the party that keeps hanging around the food. No matter how much you swat at it, it still comes back and now you have to throw away the dark meat because she's rested her spindly, insect ass hands on them. I truly find her that fucking annoying.
YesJulzWantToBeBlack is full of shit, and this hot take is incorrect, false, and borderline blasphemous. EarthGang is talented, and I really enjoy their music; however, what we're NOT going to do is compare them to Outkast. Especially not to some fucked up version of Outkast that somehow contains 2 Andres. Hey, newsflash YesJulzThinksBlackGirlsAreJealousOfHerCauseSheHasABigBooty, let me let you in on a little fact. Outkast with 2 Andres, isn't really Outkast you dumb hoe. You can't have Andre without Big Boi. You weren’t trying to compliment EarthGang with that comparison because you basically implied that they sounded the same. The reason why Outkast is one of the most, if not the most, influential rap duo in history is because they riffed off each other and their flows were like yin and yang. Hence, you can’t have one without the other. Did you not hear Andre when he said, "Until they close the curtain, it's him and I, Aquemini"? How you, someone who stays hanging onto a rapper, could be this ignorant in an era where music is so readily available, I'll never know.
It's obvious to me that you weren't outside when Outkast CDs came complete with an artistic psychedelic drawing of a curvy black woman and a brochure for purchasing blue nose pitbulls, and this statement is nothing more than attempt to clout chase. That’s fine, and in some way, I understand it. Even the mangy dog in the APSCA commercial needs love so I guess you do too. However, keep the South out of your mouth. You know nothing Julz Snow. Before you let another half-baked, yeast filled, take fly out of your mouth, I suggest you talk to some of those black guys who constantly cape for you (read: getting in them drawls). Any one of them would have told you that this ain’t it. I know that your Justin Bieber “I’m not this person anymore day” is coming, and I sincerely cannot wait. My God, what a glorious day it will be.