Breaking Down The Wall Of Perfection
Let's be honest, Black women and Women of Color, have always been taught that we have to need to have it all together. We have to go to college, graduate, get a good job, marry, buy a house, and start a family.
And, that's just the half of it because we often forget to include holding down the house, being a good mother and wife, and trying to maintain good with relationships with everyone. It's a tough job and we always appear to do it without a hitch.
We get so caught up in needing to perpetuate this perfect appearance and trying to fix any cracks that appear visible, that we tend to lose ourselves. The tough times come and before anyone gets a chance to know that we are struggling, we are back to fixing those cracks on the wall again. I want to encourage you to tear down that wall of perfection and to take a deep breath because this isn't how you're supposed to live.
“Our toughest and hardest battles turn out to be our biggest testimonies.”
I'm a firm believer that God allows us to go through situations that are supposed to make us stronger. Before you start typing fast and asking why would God allow us to go through hard times, hear me out.
Our toughest and hardest battles turn out to be our biggest testimonies. It doesn't always seem bright when your going through it but once you make it over, don't build up another perfection wall. It was torn down for a reason.
I'm the first one to say I don't have it all together. I'm currently in therapy for anxiety and for some reason my face keeps breaking out, but that's life. Instead of trying to maintain a perfect image of myself, I prefer to live out loud and bask in my truth. After I started doing this, I've been able to be a blessing to so many others.
We may be heroes, and there may be a reason we've earned those capes, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. However, being vulnerable and showing those battle scars to get there is important because we've earned them.