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Megan Thee Stallion Has All The Men Folk Mad

Megan Thee Stallion Has All The Men Folk Mad

What woman doesn’t appreciate a good twerk? I know I do. I often fancy myself a member of the Twerk Team if the music is good and my drink hits at the right time. What I love even more is a artist that creates music that makes me feel like I’m the baddest chick out there.

You know who is creating that atmosphere this season? Women in the rap industry, and Megan Thee Stallion is included in that group. I’ve stated in a previous newsletter that I arrived late to the party when it comes to Megan, but I’m so glad that I caught on. Sis is a power house from Houston and is out here letting men know they are only useful for a good time and some penis. This is the type of trash talking I like to hear!

Women owning their sexuality through music ain’t nothing new. Lil Kim, Eve, Trina, Nicki Minaj and Cardi B have talked about what they like sexually in their lyrics. They also rap about how women should just use men for money and peen because they can’t be trusted. None of them are lying but for some reason, Megan rapping about the same things while being confident in herself is a problem. 

I’ve seen countless men online talk about how they are tired of Megan talking about sex. They’re annoyed by how she twerks on stage, but they spend most of their time commenting about her body. I’m confused. These are the same people who continue to attend Migos concerts and allow Future to flourish with his drug induced lyrics. Here’s a woman who writes her own lyrics (because that’s really important to ya’ll) but yet, she still gets torn down for being too sexual.

I love that we are in this space of women entertainers talking about sex from a female perspective. Why not? Rappers have been talking about the sex for years all while shooting the same music videos with half naked women dancing in the background. What’s wrong with a woman talking about what she wants for a change?

I think what irks men about women like Cardi B and Megan is that they recognize that men are trash so why not use for them for what they have to offer and keep it moving. Tell a man that he’s a just a booty call and watch him lose his mind. Now, picture a woman like Megan Thee Stallion kicking a man out her house after she’s gotten hers. The men are bothered, chile.

This industry isn’t easy on women MC’s. They look for every reason to criticize, tear down, and pit women against each other. There’s little to no room for error while men are allowed to get away with the same mediocre crap over and over again. In the latest issue of "Fader Magazine,” Megan talks about how the industry lets men do whatever they want while women receive the brunt of criticism. She told no lies and i’m glad that she isn’t the only one calling out this industry for how they treat women.

Thankfully, Megan is a confident woman and refuses to the let the critics stop her shine. I’m glad because as a fan, I want all the twerks and nasty lyrics. I want the men folk to stay mad and  in their feelings. The time for women to dominate the rap industry is now and Megan is going to help lead the charge.

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