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In Men Are Trash News...Kodak Black

In Men Are Trash News...Kodak Black

I don't know Kodak Black. I may have only listened to one of his songs in my entire lifetime, and the only reason I know it's him is because he sounds like he's in the same class as Ricky Smiley's Lil Darryl. There's a washing machine and a dryer in his classroom, and they go to the Supermarket once a week with $20 to learn how buy essential items like milk, bread, and eggs. The fact that he runs around with a ski mask on only lends credit to my statement. To be honest, I'm thankful for that mask because without it, I would have to say “Get thee behind me Satan” every time he popped up on my screen. I can't even look at that fool without a cold shiver getting down my spine. If that little demented white girl from “The Ring” crawled out of the tv to terrorize people who watched the video, I certainly believe that he will crawl out of my radio to permanently damage my hearing if I listen to him for more than 30 seconds. Needless to say, I don't fuck with him.

Lil Darryl wanting his classmate Kodak to come out and play…

Lil Darryl wanting his classmate Kodak to come out and play…

Oh, and he's been indicted on criminal sexual assault charges.

Kodak Black is unintelligent, uninspired, and pathetic, and he decided to showcase all of these wonderful personality traits by releasing some song where he explicitly describes his desire to have sex with Young M.A. Now, anybody who is a fan of Young M.A., or has even listened to the lyrics of her first hit song, "OOOUUU", knows that she is a lesbian. She's very open about her sexuality, and she keeps a stable of bad ass women. That's just facts. I don’t even understand why he decided to invoke her name in this manner because it doesn’t make any sense. I'm not going to post the lyrics here, because God invented Google for a reason, but the line that stood out the most to me was, "I'm fucking Young M.A. as long as she has a coochie." PAUSE.

Once again...he's been indicted on criminal sexual assault charges.

You call her Stephanie, I call her Headphanie…

You call her Stephanie, I call her Headphanie…

What made you think somebody wanted your crispety crackety ass in the first place? Clearly, this was a cry for attention. Young MA has been minding her own damn business; showcasing her fresh ass line up and the numerous gifts that she buys for her girlfriends on IG.  She didn't ask for this. And when she decided to keep it cool and simply say, "But at the end of the day...that's not my preference," he responded with "Don't be mad that I want you." So if a man hopped into your DMs, tried to holla at you, and when you brushed them off, they responded with “don’t be mad that I want that dick,” you’re just going to play it cool? Didn’t think so.

It's clear that Kodak has issues with consent, and he feels entitled to women's bodies. While that pisses me off, the thing that really burns the bottom of my biscuits is how many men have been shaming Young MA because she refuses to pay this man any attention. She said what she said. Period. I don't care how much you cry, beg, or look like the Gross sisters' older brother, she doesn't want you. "You just don't like being reminded that you're a woman." That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my entire life. "You should be glad somebody wants you." Well, fuck you too sis. "I don't know why she's fronting, she knows she misses that dick." I don't know what makes you think she misses it at all. I'm sure she can keep a strap on her if she wants to, and guaranteed it will be bigger than yours.

The Gross Sisters…and Kodak Black

The Gross Sisters…and Kodak Black

The fact that more people in the hip hop community aren't realizing this as the sexual harassment as it is, is confounding. As many have already pointed out, if it was a man that was talking that same shit about Kodak Black, we would never hear the end of it. You would be clutching your non-existent pearls while trying to defend your long-gone innocence. (Case in point, Adrien Broner and his protesting too much ass). It’s disgusting, and Young MA doesn’t deserve this. No woman deserves this. You are not entitled to any woman, and you should keep your advances to yourself, especially if they aren’t appreciated by the subject of said actions. I don’t care if it did just start out a song lyric. The fact that he’s continued to talk out the side of his neck is an indication that this man is very serious when he says, “if you have a coochie, I’m fucking.” It's sick, and people need to stop talking about Kodak Black as if he's some kind of rap prodigy, instead of misogynistic asshole who's doing nothing but perpetuating rap culture. Do better.


US Movie Review: I Have No Clue What I Just Watched

US Movie Review: I Have No Clue What I Just Watched

Leave the Duchess of Sussex TF alone

Leave the Duchess of Sussex TF alone