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“Greenleaf” Season 3 Episode 11 Recap: Saved and Sanctified Mess

“Greenleaf” Season 3 Episode 11 Recap: Saved and Sanctified Mess

In the opening scene we see Mae without makeup (which seems like the first time we’ve seen her this way). She is spilling the tea to Maxine about the early days of her marriage, when she wanted to leave James after he cheated with Maevis. She didn’t leave because they were going on a couple’s vacation with Lionel (who she had already had an affair with), and then she got pregnant. Mae is only coming clean now because Lionel wants to tell Grace that he believes he’s her father. Mae does not want to tell Grace anything, but Maxine tells her to get herself clean before she starts pastoring.

Grace is giving Bishop the lowdown about Rochelle. He is still acting silly, talking about coincidence and how he believes Rochelle to be a virtuous woman. He wonders why Rochelle would be so helpful if she wanted revenge. The Feds busting in is a big hint, but he stays in denial. He’s not the only one getting a visit from the FBI. Triumph is being raided, too. The new accountant is all too happy to show them the shady things happening at Triumph.

Mae and Maxine are doing press for A Day with Lady Mae. The interviewer of course asks if Grace will be speaking. Grace is famous on the church circuit, having been featured in the paper. Mae can’t handle it, and refuses to say Grace will speak. The Feds crash the interview as well, and Mae leaves the rest to Maxine as she is escorted out.

Charity is worried about herself and her musical arrangements. Mae calls her out for needing to be the center of attention again. All the laptops are being confiscated. Bye bye sermon. Bye bye musical arrangements. Grace calls in the lawyer she got to help Coralie.

The Feds think the funds taken from Triumph were put into a personal account, withdrawn by Bishop, and then used as a down payment for the IRS. James did in fact withdraw $200k from an account. He thinks it’s the cryptocurrency investment account. The lawyer breaks it to him that there is no such thing. James checks the app that Rochelle gave him, but it isn’t working anymore. Kerissa tells the men to stop fighting and accept that they both got played by Tasha and Rochelle.

Maxine tells Mae not to fret about the lost laptop. Just rewrite the sermon. Make a new PowerPoint. The distractions keep coming because Lionel is on the phone.

Charity appeals to one of the agents, saying he has her life in his hands. She has some photos taken that she doesn’t want a virtuous and upright person like the agent to see.

Darius comes to the church, and if he’s stepping foot in the church house it must be serious. His editor wants to write a story about the scandal at Calvary. Darius can’t write it due to the obvious conflict of interest, but he has been sent to get the scoop. He wants Grace to confirm some facts that will come out anyway. Grace is mad that he would even ask. She tells him her theory and says she will talk to him again when she has proof.

Jacob calls Tasha, both on speakerphone. She can’t say much with Basie and Rochelle sitting there. She claims she doesn’t know anything. Kerissa, who is next to Jacob, advises him to tell Tasha he loves her. He reluctantly does, and Basie slaps the phone out of Tasha’s hand.

Isaiah is doing the most so Zora won’t go to the studio with him. He makes up the excuse that she seems bored. He even gives her money to get her nails done. That should signal to her that he’s cheating, but she’s oblivious.

Grace confronts Rochelle, and tells her she knows Rochelle is plotting. Rochelle tells Grace that while in Bishop’s bed she and James proclaimed their love for each other. This woman is good. She actually has Grace thinking she’s crazy.

Sister Connie doesn’t think Bishop should remain in the pulpit. She has called an emergency meeting of the deacon board for Bishop’s removal. Calvary is independent, and Bishop won’t let it be denominational. Connie wants to go the more traditional way for accountability, or so she claims. She tells him his opinion doesn’t matter.

Tasha is in the house with a husband who looks like he wants to break a bottle across her face. Basie is laying it on thick, talking about how he was trying to stay alive and get back to her. All the while she was loving on his enemy. He can’t trust her and doesn’t know if he ever will again.

Rochelle tells Basie that Grace knows, but he says it is not a problem.

Tasha calls Jacob to ask to meet. The “I love you” thing is going to come back to bite him. Kerissa was wrong for that idea. She realizes that Jacob cares about Tasha.

Aaron calls to say Lionel has passed but after Mae calls Grace to her office. Since he is dead, Mae doesn’t feel the need to tell Grace that he might be her daddy. She claims she wants to apologize about snapping. Grace is surprised and somewhat skeptical because when has her mother ever apologized to her?

Mae needs a moment to mourn Lionel. Meanwhile, Bishop is mourning the end of his leadership. Grace goes to see him and asks if he slept with Rochelle. He says no, and he’s going to see Rochelle to settle the situation.

We get another musical selection from Ms. Patti. Maxine asks what Grace said when Mae told her...except Mae didn’t tell her. Maxine wants Mae still has to tell Grace so Satan doesn’t have any hooks in Mae before she ascends to her calling. According to Maxine, the silent “sissy” stuff is for men. Women tell the truth.

Sophia is watching Isaiah’s studio session on social media, seeing him with another girl. She sends the video to Zora. That prompts Zora to confront Isaiah about how it seems like they’re not really together.Isaiah gives the classic cheater lines—”you’re my one and only.” “The other chick is a bird.” Later in bed, Zora is still looking at Isaiah hugged up on the girl on social media.

Back at Calvary, the FBI agent comes back with the laptop. Charity admits there are no photos, but he lets her access the laptop for the files she really wants. Charity delivers Mae a flash drive with the PowerPoint and photos she got from her laptop. Then she gloats about not being selfish for once.

Aaron has come to see Grace. He tells her about his (their) father passing away. He tells his big sister to sit down, while he delivers the news about her possibly being his big sister.

Instead of Tasha, Basie shows up to the meeting location. Jacob wants to know where Tasha is. Basie wants to know what happened with Jacob and his wife. Jacob says whatever happened was his fault. It’s sweet how he’s trying to protect Tasha, but it’s too late. Basie keeps pressing, threatening that if he believes the worst, the worst will happen. Jacob tells him about the kiss. Basie thanks him for his honesty. Jacob says it was nothing…which Basie believes but says it was something to him.

Rochelle is on the phone talking about being out of the country when Bishop Greenleaf enters her office. Rochelle is denying the investment to Bishop’s face and claiming he doesn’t remember them sleeping together. As he leaves, he claims she won’t get away with what she did. The problem is, she already has.

Grace sees Mae and tells her of Aaron’s visit. Mae is not giving any information voluntarily. The PowerPoint in the background shows “She Changes...Today.” Grace pointedly asks if Lionel is her father. Mae is honest in her response: she doesn’t know. Grace turns around and looks at the PowerPoint with the full title displaying: She Changes Everything Today! Everything has definitely changed for the Greenleafs.

Will the Greenleaf clan be able to save themselves from the IRS and FBI? Will Isaiah cheating be the final straw for Zora? Comment below with your thoughts!

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