You Ain't Slick, Omarosa
The twists and turns of the Trump administration have turned into a full blown soap opera. If you're familiar with the stories, then you know that the characters and their relationships change constantly with what seems like unending drama. This is what we are living with right now under the Trump dictatorship and unfortunately, we can't turn the channel. One of the most notable cast members is Omarosa Maniguilt Newman, and while I want to roll my eyes and ignore her, I also can't help wanting to sip the tea she is spilling concerning Mango Mussolini. I'm so ashamed.
We all know who Omarosa is and what she stands for. She portrayed a villain on "The Apprentice" and became best buds with the Tangerine Tyrant. It shouldn't have been any surprise to us when she joined him on the campaign trail as the Director of African American Outreach (that title still makes me laugh) and later, joined his administration in a similar position. Pause. African American Outreach though? Didn't Omarosa know that the black community as a whole didn't like her? All she was able to do was get a few black pastors to sit at a table and stroke Trump’s ego. She should have known that her days were numbered when the Congressional Black Caucus told her to piss off.
“While we appreciate Omarosa keeping the mess going, don’t expect the black community to welcome you back with open arms in the near future. ”
I can't tell you the joy I felt when April Ryan got on Twitter and gave us a play by play of how Omarosa got fired. I pretty much cackled all day out of pure delight because this woman sacrificed the little integrity she had left to work in the White House. I knew she would see her firing as an opportunity to draw sympathy from the same group of people she shamed. I knew a book deal was coming.
What I wasn't expecting were the taped phone conversations and videos she's been putting out in the media concerning Trump's administration. Now that was some mess I could get behind.
Am I surprised that Omarosa turned on Trump? No, because Omarosa may be a lot of things but she isn't stupid. What I don't understand is why she was willing to pledge her loyalty to this volatile man, yet she didn't trust him at the same time. She's known this man for years and obviously ascertained that taping everything in case ish hit the fan. It came in handy because while promoting her tell-all book, Mrs. Newman is releasing tapes and dropping bombshells. He should have expected this though. This is someone he mentored, and now, she's playing his game and coming with receipts. We see what you're doing Omarosa but we aren't falling for it.
I don't like Omarosa and I think she is a vile person. She wants to be viewed and respected with the same caliber of Michelle Obama but she possesses a mean girl spirit. What I will give her is that she is like a cat with nine lives. Despite being pushed out of the White House, she's gotten plenty of news interviews and is clearly running the show somewhere. She knew that if she wants people to listen, she would have to come some serious information. You have to give it to her. The girl is smart and she knows what works.
Regardless of that however, we see you what you're doing Omarosa and while we appreciate you keeping the mess going, don't expect the black community to welcome you back with open arms in the near future. You think you're nickel slick, but I got your penny change.