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A Check In On Yourself

A Check In On Yourself

Can you believe that 2018 is almost over? It seems like yesterday we were creating our vision boards and writing out our goals for the year. Time really does fly when you’re working, living, and just trying to take care of yourself. I think it’s important to do a self assessment every now and then as we approach the holiday season, it’s important that we stay in a positive space both physically and mentally before we head into a New Year. Here are a few questions and thoughts to think about concerning your well being:

The year may be coming to an end but you always have time to check in on you. You owe it to yourself.
  • Are you getting enough rest? I can’t stress enough how important a good amount of sleep is for your mind and body. That whole mantra of “sleeping when I die” is a terrible idea and we shouldn’t sacrifice rest for the sake of work or a business.

  • How is your mental health? Are you in a positive space? If not, consider reaching out to a therapist or someone you trust to work on it. We take in so much from life, the news, and others that we forget to look out for ourselves.

  • Make sure you are taking time out for yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in having to be there for everyone and be a superhero but you have to carve out time for yourself. Say no sometimes. Go get a mani/pedi. Take a hot bubble bath and enjoy a glass of wine. I promise, the world won’t burn down if you don’t answer the phone for one night.

  • Appreciate where you’re at and the things you’ve accomplished. I’m always hardest on myself if I feel like I’ve haven’t reached a particular goal in life. Instead of beating myself up, I take comfort in knowing that I’ve accomplished so much already. Take time and be proud in that moment.

  • Tell yourself daily that you are amazing because you are. It’s been quite the year and yet, we’re still HERE. As black women, we are known for being resilient and strong but sometimes, we need someone to encourage us. If no one else tells you just know that you’re that girl.

These tips may sound simple but the play a big part in who we are. You pour so much of yourself into people, jobs, projects, and emotional baggage without taking time for your personal peace. It’s not healthy.

For the past couple of months, I’ve a made an effort to check on myself regularly. Am I getting enough sleep? Is my diet healthy? When was the last time I worked out and when can I see my therapist again? I make a habit of keeping these things on my schedule. I’ve even managed to carve out quiet time in the mornings before work just to mentally prepare myself for the day. It’s a huge difference and as done wonders for my anxiety and thought process.

The year may be coming to an end but you always have time to check in on you. You owe it to yourself.

New Year, New Me?

New Year, New Me?

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